July 27, 2024

Understanding SSL Certificate: What You Need to Know as a Business Owner


What are SSL Certificates?

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer certificates are digital certificates that enable encrypted data transmission between devices and servers. They allow websites and applications to communicate securely with visitors and users.SSL certificate utilize public-key cryptography to encrypt data exchanged between a web server and users’ internet browsers. When someone visits an SSL-secured site, their browser verifies the certificate to establish a secure, encrypted connection.

Types of SSL Certificates

There are different types of SSL certificates available to suit various business needs:

Domain Validated (DV) Certificates: DV SSL certificates verify ownership of a domain name through email validation. They are the most basic and affordable SSL option but provide the lowest level of validation.

Organization Validated (OV) Certificates: OV certificates provide stronger validation than DV by verifying business ownership through documents like articles of incorporation. They inspire more user trust than basic DV certificates.

Extended Validation (EV) Certificates: EV SSLs deliver the highest level of validation by thoroughly vetting a business through extensive validation of organizational identity data. In browser addresses bars, they display the business name in green for maximum user confidence.

Wildcard Certificates: Wildcard certificates secure an unlimited number of subdomains on a single domain using a certificate. They are useful for sites with constantly changing subdomains or many subdomains.

Multi-Domain (UCC) Certificates: UCC certificates secure multiple fully-qualified domain names with a single certificate. They are ideal for sites with multiple related domains.

Private SSL Certificates: Private SSL certificates are for intranet and internal network use only. They are not verifiable through public Certificate Authorities.

Benefits of SSL Certificate

Here are some key benefits that SSL certificates provide to businesses:

Improved Security: SSL encryption protects sensitive information like payment details and login credentials from online threats during transmission. It prevents data theft and keeps customers’ personal information private.

Enhanced Trust: SSL conveys credibility and trust to website visitors by indicating a secure, safe browsing environment. It influences purchase decisions positively.

Better SEO Rankings: Google gives SSL-enabled websites a slight ranking boost by considering them more secure. This can increase organic traffic over time.

Legal & Compliance: Some governments now require SSL for websites collecting personal data to comply with privacy laws like GDPR. SSL is also mandated for PCI DSS compliance.

Aesthetic Advantage: SSL certificates modify the browser URL bar appearance by displaying the secure padlock icon and “https” to signal security and build confidence.

What to Look for in an SSL Certificate Provider

When choosing an SSL provider, consider factors like:

Reputation & Reviews: Go with globally trusted brands like DigiCert, GeoTrust or Comodo that have served millions of customers for years. Check third-party reviews.

Pricing & Plans: Prices vary greatly based on type, validity period and extras. Compare basic to premium offerings across providers.

Installation & Management: Ease of setup, automatic renewal reminders, easy administration dashboard and support are important.

Warranties & Guarantees: Look for providers backing certificates with guarantees against bugs, vulnerabilities and compromises.

Compatibility: Ensure the provider supports all modern browsers, platforms, servers and devices for seamless usability.

Customer Support: Opt for 24/7 live support across phone, email, tickets and knowledge base for swift issue resolution.

In Conclusion

Implementing SSL certificate is crucial for upholding website and data security standards. Besides boosting safety, they enhance user trust and confidence which directly impacts conversion rates. Choosing a reputed SSL provider known for reliability, value, and prompt support helps maximize benefits while minimizing risks and issues. Overall, leveraging SSL is vital for compliant, optimized online business operations today.


  1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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