February 13, 2025

Amazon Offers Prime Members $100 Discount on One Medical Membership

Amazon is introducing a new perk for its Prime subscribers, allowing them to join One Medical, a primary care service, at a discounted rate. One Medical, which Amazon acquired for $3.9 billion, typically requires a membership fee of $199 per year. However, Amazon is now offering Prime customers the opportunity to join for only $99 annually or $9 per month. The discount is immediately effective and can be accessed through a dedicated link.

This move by Amazon provides Prime members with a convenient and faster way of accessing primary care services. In the United States, it is common for individuals to wait weeks or even months to see a primary care doctor. By becoming a One Medical member, Prime subscribers can bypass this waiting period. Additionally, they have the option to add up to five additional family members to their plan for a nominal fee of $6 per person per month. After Amazon’s acquisition of One Medical, this is the company’s most significant initiative to date, following smaller discounts of $144 per year shortly after the deal was finalized.

One Medical differentiates itself by offering same-day care visits either at one of its boutique locations or through 24-hour virtual appointments. Overall, feedback regarding the service has been positive, although some customers have expressed concerns about quick turnover among doctors. Members often find themselves switching doctors frequently, which can make it challenging to build a long-term relationship with a care provider.

It is worth noting that not everyone can afford One Medical’s annual subscription fee in addition to their regular insurance expenses. Recognizing this, Amazon aims to entice more people to sign up for Prime by including discounted medical care in a country where healthcare is often considered a luxury. However, there is a question of whether lowering the entry price for One Medical could result in fewer available appointments. Presumably, Amazon has conducted projections to determine how aggressively they can pursue scale while maintaining service quality.

Amazon hopes that offering a discounted rate for Prime members will significantly increase One Medical’s membership base, which stood at 836,000 subscribers at the end of 2022. The company is striving to establish a stronger presence in the healthcare sector, having previously launched Amazon Pharmacy and more recently expanding its virtual care services to all 50 states. It is important to note that Amazon Clinic operates separately from the One Medical business.

By providing Prime customers with a reduced cost option to access One Medical’s services, Amazon demonstrates its commitment to meeting the healthcare needs of its members. This initiative aligns with the company’s overarching strategy of delivering convenience, affordability, and expanded offerings to its loyal customer base.


  1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
  2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it

Money Singh

Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc.

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